TODOS: Mathematics for ALL


Volume 11, Issue 7 July 2018

Collective Call to Action Webinar

Join TODOS and mathematics education community members in the second year dedicated to building a collective knowledge and understanding of topics and issues related to Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics leading to action. TODOS member Teddy Chao will facilitate the next Collective Call to Action webinar on August 1st at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, based on the reading “Developing Social Justice Mathematics Activists in Pre-K.” See description for details. The registration link will be sent to members via the Listserv.

Submit an Article to or Become a Reviewer for TEEM

The TODOS 2018 Conference included a session titled “Teachers’ Information Session for Potential TEEM Players (Writers or Reviewers).” Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics (TEEM) encourages teachers to submit articles or become reviewers for TEEM. Go to the slides for additional information. All past issues of TEEM (Issues 1-8) are available to the public. The current issue, TEEM 9, was published last month and is available to TODOS members only by logging on to the TODOS website. 

Collective Call to Action: July-August Reading

The July-August 2018 Reading, suggested by AMTE, is "How do I learn to like this child so I can teach him mathematics?", by Mary Q. Foote, from Cases for MTEs: Facilitating Conversations about Inequities in Mathematics Classrooms. Questions include: How would you support the teacher in addressing her negative views about the student and his mother? In what ways did the case and commentary authors' suggestions help you think about the equity-related dilemmas you face in your own work?


On Saturday, September 8th at 8:00 AM PDT, José Francisco Sala García will present Promoting Algebraic Thinking through Visual Pattern Tasks for English Language Learners. Motivate English learners in algebraic reasoning by fostering productive struggle, language development, and exploring visual pattern tasks. Participants will anticipate the ways students will solve pattern tasks, consider how to support students’ learning, and interrelate social and analytic scaffolding. Register today.

2018 TODOS/MET Grant Opportunity

TODOS and NCTM are funding its second annual school-based professional development grant, Fostering Support of Mathematics Learning in Multilingual Classrooms.  The grant provides financial assistance to pre-K–12 schools for in-service to increase understanding and expertise in fostering support of multi-language development when teaching mathematics. One grant (maximum $4000) will be awarded.  Deadline is November 2nd.

Attend One of Three NCTM Regional Conferences

The 2018 Fall NCTM Regional Conferences are the following: October 4-6 in Hartford, CT; November 1-3 in Kansas City, MO; and November 28-30 in Seattle, WA. The theme for all three conferences is “Innovate. Collaborate. Learn.” Early bird registration for Hartford closes September 12th. TODOS will be partnering with Benjamin Banneker Association and Women in Mathematics Education to sponsor the NCTM Equity Affiliates Booth.

Volunteer to Staff the TODOS Booth at CCTM

Are you attending the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics (CCTM) Conference in Denver August 3rd and/or the Thursday Teacher Presession Workshop (led by TODOS Board member Julia Aguirre)? TODOS will have an exhibit booth during the conference on Friday, August 3rd. Sign up to work the TODOS booth!

TODOS Member a PAEMST Awardee!

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) us proud to announce that TODOS member Anne Marie Nicoll-Turner from Michigan was selected as an awardee. TODOS is excited to have a member represented among these excellent teachers! Consider nominating a TODOS teacher! 

2018-2019 TODOS Board

Executive Team: Diana Ceja, Diane Kinch, Rocío Benedicto, and Nora Ramirez
Members: Jennifer Bay-Williams, Kyndall Brown, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Zandra de Araujo, Linda Fulmore, Susie W. Håkansson, Annette Kitagawa, Silvia Llamas-Flores, Carlos LópezLeiva, M. Alejandra Sorto, Erin Sylves, and Jennifer Yacobian