Antiracist Mathematics Education Is Now Available!

Antiracist Mathematics Education: Stories of Acknowledgment, Action, and Accountability is now available to purchase at Amazon. It includes stories grounded in the 2020 TODOS Position Statement, The Mo(ve)ment to Prioritize Antiracist Mathematics. This book reflects not only the rich experiences and deep expertise of its authors but also their passion for and commitment to creating antiracist learning environments that empower students to strengthen their mathematical identities. Review the Annotated Table of Contents. Purchase your copy today!
Meet the Editorial Panel
Dr. Marilyn Strutchens
Marilyn E. Strutchens is an Emily R. and Gerald S. Leischuck Endowed Professor and Mildred Cheshire Fraley Distinguished Professor at Auburn University, AL. She is the leader of the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership’s Clinical Experiences Research Action Cluster and Chair of the Advisory Committee for the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources. She was a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board of Directors (2015 -2018), a member of the Executive Board of Directors for the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences (2012 -2014) and president of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators [AMTE] (2011 - 2013). She received AMTE’s Judith Jacobs Lectureship in 2017.
Dr. Gladys Krause
Gladys Krause, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at William & Mary. Her research centers on teacher knowledge and children's mathematical thinking, and how these two areas interact in multilingual and multicultural classrooms. Principal Investigator on an NSF grant titled: Collaborative Research: Developing Teacher Learning Theory with Teachers and Students Animating Mathematical Concepts.
Dr. Dorothy Y. White
Dorothy White is the recipient of AMTE's 2020 Karen D. King Excellence in Advocacy Award. She is a professor of mathematics education in the Mary Frances Early College of Education at the University of Georgia. Her research, teaching, and service interconnect and support empowering all students for success in mathematics by purposefully promoting collaborative relationships among mathematics teachers and researchers
Dr. Jennifer Bay-Williams
Jennifer Bay-Williams is an internationally respected mathematics educator. She is a prolific author and popular speaker on topics related to effective mathematics teaching. Her work has focused on ways to ensure every student understands mathematics and develops a positive mathematics identity. Highlights of her service contributions over the past 20 years include serving as president of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Education (AMTE), on the Board of Directors for National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and TODOS: Mathematics for All, and the Education Advisory board for Teacher2Teacher Global.
Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative (SVMI)