NCTM's 100 Days of Professional Development

Exciting news from TODOS! As part of NCTM's 100 Days of Professional Development, TODOS co-hosted four sessions. Links to the recordings from each of the sessions are below.

Amplifying Language in Sense Making Routines

Date: Monday, July 6, 2020, at 7 PM EDT/4 PM PDT

Speaker: Nichole Lindgren

Description of Presentation: How do you introduce the language that students will need to access and participate in a sense making routine and avoid a disconnected, rote introduction? In this session you will learn how to embed strategies into sense making routines to amplify language, provide access, and encourage participation for emergent multilingual students.

Recording Link




Supporting ELs through Mathematical Inquiry and the Discursive Assessment Protocol

Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2020, at 7 PM EDT/4 PM PDT

Speaker: Richard Kitchen

Description of Presentation: A research-based protocol will be shared in this session that is specifically designed to support the mathematical learning of English Learners. The "Discursive Assessment Protocol" (DAP) supports equitable mathematical learning of ELs, while providing teachers with a useful tool aligned with best practices and the CCSS-M Mathematical Practices.

Recording Link





Translanguaging to Persevere: Exploring Latinx Bilingual Students’ Collective Problem-solving

Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 7 PM EDT/4 PM PDT

Speakers: Hector Morales, Joseph DiNapoli, and Craig Willey

Description of Presentation: This workshop explores the collaborative efforts of Latinx students drawing on their bilingualism to make meaning of mathematics. Through shared vignettes, student artifacts, and mathematical activity, we engage participants in analysis and discussion to inform ways of leveraging translanguaging to persevere in mathematics classrooms.

Recording Link





Humanizing Online Mathematics Teaching: Possibilities and Resistance

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2020, at 7 PM EDT/4 PM PDT

Speaker: Mary Raygoza

Description of Presentation: This webinar explores building beloved classroom community, fostering equitable participation, engaging students in collaborative group work, connecting mathematics to students’ lives and the world we are in, and centering trauma-informed and healing-centered practices in the online classroom. We will also explore resisting oppressive and inequitable aspects of shifts to distance learning.

Recording Link


