Nominations and Elections Committee

The Nominations and Elections Committee is charged to:

  • Call for nominations from the membership for elected positions.
  • Determine a slate of candidates for elected offices with, at most, two candidates per position, taking into account the diverse needs of the organization as well as the qualifications of the candidates. When two Directors are being selected, at most four candidates will be on the slate of candidates, and the two candidates receiving the most votes will become the Directors. In the case of a tie, the winner will be determined by a casting of lots by the Nominations and Elections Chair.

Current Committee Members

Bernadette Andres-Salgerino—Chair 2020-2026
Ellen Barger 2020-2022
Jon Oaks 2019-2022
Irma Cruz 2019-2022
Maura Varley Gutierrez 2020-2023
Diane Kinch 2020-2023
Cecilio Dimas 2021-2024
Dave Ebert 2021-2024