September-October Readings
The Collective Call to Action September-October readings are the following: Mathematics as Gatekeeper: Power and Privilege in the Production of Knowledge (Martin et al JUME), “Both And”—Equity and Mathematics: A Response to Martin, Gholson, and Leonard (Confrey JUME 2010), and Engaging Students in Meaningful Mathematics Learning: Different Perspectives, Complementary Goals (Battista JUME 2010). View the targeted questions.
Call for Nominations: TODOS President-Elect and Directors
Nominations are available for President-Elect and two Directors. The qualifications and duties can be found in the TODOS Handbook. Any nominee must be a TODOS member in good standing for at least one year prior to the close of the nomination period. Nominate TODOS members whom you know are qualified and who will support and promote TODOS' mission and goals. Self-nominations are appropriate and encouraged. Deadline to submit is November 16th.
TODOS/MET Grant: Deadline Coming Up
TODOS and NCTM are funding its second annual school-based professional development grant, Fostering Support of Mathematics Learning in Multilingual Classrooms. The grant provides financial assistance to pre-K–12 schools for in-service to increase understanding and expertise in fostering support of multi-language development when teaching mathematics. One grant (maximum $4000) will be awarded. Deadline is November 2nd.
TODOS Live! Quick Talks on Equity
TODOS Live! will begin a new feature this month. Quick Talks on Equity (QTE) will be 15 minute sessions on topics generated by attendees. The October sessions will give members a chance to submit ideas on topics that can be the focus of future QTEs. Join us and share your thoughts. Thursday, October 25th at 4:30 PM Pacific and Saturday, October 27th at 8:30 AM AM Pacific.
TODOS at NCTM Regionals
Are you attending the NCTM Regionals in Kansas City or Seattle? TODOS along with BBA and/or WME will have the NCTM Equity Affiliates Booth. Consider volunteering two hours at the booth, share why you joined TODOS, and why attendees should join TODOS. You can encourage friends, colleagues, and other conference attendees to become members. Sign up for Kansas City (November 1-3) and/or Seattle (November 28-30).
Going to CMC-South Conference in Palm Springs?
The CMC-South Conference in Palm Springs (November 1-2) includes many TODOS members attending and speaking. Support TODOS by volunteering to staff the TODOS Booth for two hours or more. Your efforts are critical to TODOS because of your authenticity with local attendees. Communicate your passion and commitment to TODOS. Student Awards will also be presented.
NCTM Student Members Offered Free Registration
NCTM offers free registration to all NCTM student members for NCTM Regional Conferences. NCTM is also inviting students and early career teachers along with affiliate leaders to an evening reception in Kansas City with Robert Berry, NCTM President, at the conference, on Friday, November 2nd at 6:00 pm, Kansas City Convention Center, Room 3501C. RSVP to Denise Mann by October 24th.
Latino and Native American Cultural Resources
Latino and Native American cultural resources are available for teachers and parents, including video clips, pictures, links to google classroom, and more. Also, do you want more resources to inspire females? Go to The RAD Women Series. One book, RAD American Women, A-Z, has short, powerful biographies of a diverse group of women. You can request school visits by the authors.
ATMNYC Conference at Hunter College in NYC
The Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City (ATMNYC) conference will be at Hunter College (Lexington Ave. at 68th St.) on Saturday, November 17th from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. If you live in the area, bring your friends and colleagues with you to attend the conference. Go to the website for detailed information including a partial list of speakers and vendors.
Hi . Your TODOS membership is good through . Your support is welcomed and greatly appreciated. To become more active in TODOS, contact the editor and you will be directed to the appropriate individual. If you are joining or renewing your NCTM membership, choose TODOS as the organization to receive the rebate that NCTM so generously offers.
Do You Have Items for the TODOS Enews?
Do you have information on personal accomplishments, events, news articles, or new books that are aligned with the Mission and Goals of TODOS and focus on equity and excellence? Share them with the TODOS Community by sending the information to the editor no later than Thursday, November 15th to be included in the November Enews.
2018-2019 TODOS Board
Executive Team: Diana Ceja, Diane Kinch, Rocío Benedicto, and Nora Ramirez Members: Jennifer Bay-Williams, Kyndall Brown, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Zandra de Araujo, Linda Fulmore, Susie W. Håkansson, Annette Kitagawa, Silvia Llamas-Flores, Carlos LópezLeiva, M. Alejandra Sorto, Erin Sylves, and Jennifer Yacobian