Volume 13, Issue 3 |
March 2020 |
Status of TODOS 2020 Conference
During this difficult and unprecedented time, a time that is filled with uncertainty, the TODOS Board is working on a plan to move forward responsibly with the TODOS 2020 Conference. A decision will be announced by March 31, 2020. Please hold off on making any plans until then. In the meantime, TODOS is sponsoring a pop-up WEbinar (see cell below) on March 24th focusing on mathematics activities for children at home. The cell to the right links to the TODOS 2020 Conference at-a-Glance.
TODOS 2020 Conference Schedule at-a-Glance
Take time to peruse the Schedule at-a-Glance that is being planned for the TODOS 2020 Conference. There are many exciting sessions that focus on the conference theme Activating Agency for Student Access, Engagement, and Advancement in Mathematics. Types of sessions include impact, investigate, innovate, and imagine, with an ignite session during lunch on Friday. Strands include Beliefs and Structures, Curriculum and Instruction, Families and Communities, and Systems and Accountability.
Congratulations to the New TODOS Directors
TODOS congratulates Nichole Lindgren and Luz A. Maldonado to the Board. Thank you for participating in this year’s elections. There were outstanding candidates, and the Nominations and Elections Committee thanks you for nominating TODOS members and colleagues whom you respect and admire for their leadership, scholarship, commitment, and hard work. Thanks also to the Committee: Bernadette Andres-Salgarino, Ellen Barger, Irma Cruz, Jon Oakes, and Bob McDonald.
Pop-Up “WE”binar: Math When Schools Are Closed
TODOS is offering an interactive "WE"binar (our community + webinar = WEbinar). Your children may be home for a couple weeks or longer. The WEbinar will provide many mathematics activities for students of all ages that will engage them and increase their mathematics proficiency. Join TODOS colleagues, teachers, and parents in a bilingual discussion of mathematics at home. The WEbinar will be held on Tuesday, March 24th at 4:30 PM Pacific Time. Register today!
Deadline Extension for Iris Carl Award Nominations
Given the current circumstances, the Iris Carl Equity Committee is extending the deadline for nominations through Friday, April 10, 2020. TODOS is seeking nominations for two awards: The TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity in Teaching Award and the TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Award. Nomination packets in support of a candidate should be sent to the Co-Chairs and can be downloaded from the TODOS website. In the meantime, take care of yourselves and loved ones.
The TODOS Podcast Celebrates the Class of 2020
Are you a student of mathematics education at the graduate, undergraduate, or teacher credential level and graduating at the end of this year? Do you know someone who fits the description? The TODOS podcasts for this May - June will feature the voices and stories of eight people whose work aligns with the mission and goals of TODOS. Go to the description and guidelines to self-nominate or nominate others in the Class of 2020 to participate. Contact María Zavala for additional information.
Why I Joined TODOS
Why did you join TODOS? Members joined TODOS for a variety of reasons. If you wish to share your story of why you joined TODOS, please send it to the editor. TODOS is many things to many people. It’s a professional organization, it’s a place to find and share many, many resources that focus on equity and social justice, it’s a place to find friends and colleagues committed to common goals and beliefs, and it’s a place that equips educators to advocate for ALL students. The first story is written by Gloria Brown Brooks, a TODOS Director.
New Book: Math for ELLs. As Easy as Uno, Dos, Tres
About three-fourths of ELLs in the U.S. speak Spanish. This book, authored by Jim Ewing, TODOS Advocacy Committee Member, focuses on meeting the needs of Spanish-speaking ELLs. TODOS Board member Susie W. Håkansson wrote the foreword and Board member Jennifer Bay-Williams endorsed the book. It offers cultural and linguistic support for teachers. You may find the strategies easy to learn—as easy as “uno, dos, tres.” Contact Jim Ewing for more information and purchase your copy now.
Report From Just Equations: Go Figure
Colleges and universities have been reforming their mathematics requirements in favor of options that align with students’ fields of interest. Some worry that the new pathways could reinforce inequities. These new pathways need to be intentionally designed in ways that ensure they are not being used to track students of color away from majoring in lucrative STEM fields. Read the Executive Summary or Full Report of Go Figure: Exploring Equity in Students’ Postsecondary Math Pathway Choices.
WestEd Opportunity for Math Educators in Spring 2021
WestEd is inviting teachers of 8th Grade Algebra 1 to join a research study that will examine the feasibility and efficacy of the Graspable Math software tool, a digital algebra notation tool that allows students to dynamically experiment with algebraic expressions. The study will run for four weeks in Spring 2021 and participating teachers will receive up to $550! For additional information, go to details, website, or complete the teacher interest form.
Desmos Global Math Art Contest for Students, 13-18
Over the years, Desmos has seen many students use equations and inequalities in their free Desmos Graphing Calculator to create some truly beautiful and creative graphs. This year Desmos is providing an opportunity to submit entries in their first global contest. Top entries will win t-shirts, pizza party, and prizes up to $500! Deadline to submit is April 30th. Create a powerful and fun reason to engage your students in exploring and applying the math they know! For questions, send an email.
2019-2020 TODOS Board
Executive Team: Diana Ceja, Linda Fulmore, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, and Nora Ramirez Members: Jennifer Bay-Williams, Kyndall Brown, Gloria Brown Brooks, Marta Civil, Zandra de Araujo, Maggie Hackett, Susie W. Håkansson, Annette Kitagawa, Silvia Llamas-Flores, Carlos LópezLeiva, Ma Bernadette Andres-Salgarino, Erin Sylves, Jennifer Yacoubian, and Maria del Rosario Zavala